Friday 2 September 2011

To Pursue or not to Pursue?

He was sitting right next to me, but my thoughts were really far away thinking about how hungry and plain I was looking with no makeup or food in my stomach because I had to leave home in a rush. So I didnt notice him.

Then he was called to give his lecture, he walked to the front of the room and the first thing I noticed were his broad shoulders and how tall he is. He turned and I saw his face.....beautiful is the word, the eyes, the nose, the lips, the skin and when he introduced himself "My name is Bola Olamide, before I start I will like to know the names of everyone here and how they want to be addressed." I think my heart double flipped.

I couldn't stop staring, the more I looked the more I liked what I saw, he had the attitude, the character, the looks. I had to shake myself mentally to stop staring, at a point I was looking at him instead of the board!

Thoughts were in my head, "he must be hooked and if he's not what's keeping him", "he's definitely too good to be true there should be another side to him that's not too appealing" . So I decided to stop bugging myself and just relish the now by feeding my eyes because I had no strength or will to pursue any sort of friendship with him. There is this theory that says the good guys are already taken only the smart girls can actually snatch them from their girlfriends, before you chew me I said a theory not mine, my theory is if he is for me he will come to me......or not

So what do you think?

Thursday 1 September 2011

Notable quote

Do the one thing you think you cannot do, fail at it. Try again. Do better the next time, the only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment own it. - Oprah Winfrey