Monday 19 September 2011

Flaws? no.........unique and beautiful

"Your feet is big!" he said.
"I know" I replied.
"As in its bigger than the rest of your body" he said again.
"I know" I said again with a sly smile on my face trying to feign nonchalance, to get his attention off my feet, it worked.

Before this conversation I saw myself as perfect, to say the truth I never realized I had big feet until my friend pointed it out in my 300 level in school. I didn't care if one had a figure eight or a boyish figure everyone was beautiful to me in their own way. So it was with this sweet innocence I carried myself....not until 'friends' started pointing flaws I felt made me unique and beautiful. "oh your legs are not sexy enough" I actually stopped wearing skirts after I was told that. "your eyelashes looks funny", "your nails are short and ugly".

Then I gave in and I started seeing those so called imperfection and it reflected in how I carried myself and invariably how people saw me, suddenly I didn't feel all that cute and sexy anymore.

Guess how I overcame this? Each time someone points out something they termed as flawed in me I point out theirs and that got them to shut up.....hey lets face it no one is ever perfect and I decided to go to back to my innocence of seeing everything and everyone as beautiful. God made each and everyone one of us unique and beautiful. Love yourself....every bit of it, believe me even if those flaws are noticed it would be seen as beautiful. So what? if you are fat, so what? if you are skinny, short, tall, dark, fair, you are beautiful.....

Quoting Brain Tracy, "whenever your inner world and your outer world are in alignment, whenever your activities and your values are congruent, whenever your activities are in balance with the highest values you hold, you feel terrific and perfectly centered in your life".

Feel beautiful, act it, dress it and people will treat you that way. On a lighter note, my little cousin Tope who is four years old, when asked what she wants to be when she grows up, her reply? "I want to be a princess" and I go "sweetie you can't be a princess that's for Disney cartoon characters like Cinderella" she just shrugs her shoulders with a glint in her eyes and sweet innocent smile and its been consistent for a year now I'm beginning to think she really is going to be a princess after all Kate Middleton wasn't born a princess. My point is....she feels she is a princess, then she is a princess!, believe me she carries herself like one and she's being treated like one!