Friday 26 August 2011

Let him chase you!

Being in a relationship has a it's have someone you call your own, you could talk to about anything, spend time with, cuddle, kiss...blah, blah. But as to everything good it has it's down side, the big fights, the tears, the expectations that couldn't be met, blah, blah.

I'm not about to talk about the pros and cons of a relationship, my 'beef' today is the mistake ladies make in trying to keep a relationship even before the relationship starts! Rule Number 1, let him chase will never go out of fashion!

Modern woman: Forget all the talk about being enlightened and modern, knowing what you want and being agressive about getting it. Sweetheart be aggressive about getting that job, promotion, education or whatever but never ever be aggressive about getting a man.

The relationship might be beautiful and wonderful at first because the guy would be flattered about the kinda attention he's getting and would what to explore.
But before long he gets weary as its not in his in nature to be pursued and conquered. It is a man's nature to want what he cannot have or what is difficult to attain, I think it makes them feel powerful or something. If you go after him you'd probably get him but within a short time he backs out, then you make the mistake of trying harder to please him by being nicer and sweeter, please you've done enough damage already, Stop!

If he really wants you he'll come for you, Its a classic rule that will never go out of date.

On call: Okay so you allowed him to chase you, he got you.....never all lose your self in the relationship by putting your career, your friends, your family on the back bench and decide to focus all your energy on the relationship. You don't seem to have a life of your own always on his beck and call, forgetting about all your needs and putting the needs of the guy before yours.....haba! e ma sef go tire na.

Get a life! get busy doing stuff you want to do, chances are he's probably living his why not yours? there should be times he calls you for a date or something and you tell him you want to hang out with your girls or you want to stay at home to read a your favourite book or watch your favourite TV show. Please don't get me wrong I'm not saying you should be totally selfish but find a balance oh....because it might be all sweet and rosy now, in the long run when he walks out, you would definitely be feeling empty, wondering what to do with yourself.

At the end of the day no book, article, opinion can really give you the guidelines in handling a relationship, just follow your brain not your heart and you will be fine. My golden rule still remains.....let him chase you and be yourself don't change a thing!, if he's the 'one' he will love you that way. Strictly my opinion. tara!

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