Wednesday 24 August 2011

What's wrong with laughing?....

Whoever said Karma does not exist must be really delusional! it's a known fact that whatever you do comes back to you Hosea 8:7 they have planted the wind,and will harvest the whirlwind. it is in view of this that I remember naughty things I did to my mum or rather.........we did to our mum, all five of us!. I can't really recall what we did then, but my mum was trying to scold us and I think it was the way she said it or maybe what she said, my late brother, Junior, started laughing and he had this unique way of  laughing that is always infectious so in no time we all started laughing including my mum!

We all took that for granted so we were all, always doing it anytime she tries to correct us, we laugh, always starting with my brother. She got angry one day and flogged us real hard my brother the hardest, we cried our eyes out that day I tell you but that didn't stop us we still laughed anytime she tries to scold us together, though with caution, like a giggle or something. She always warned that we would reap the fruits of our actions, as a teenager then I was scared a little but I always shrugged it off thinking....... whats wrong with laughing? afterall I listen when you correct me. I knew soon enough.

I reaped it recently! with my sweet little cousin who I think is the naughtiest girl in the world! she's eight years old so she's not that little anymore. Whenever she's being naughty and I try to scold her she laughs and then I spank her, she laughs still, I spank her some more she cries a little and then laughs even more.....believe me you can imagine how infutriating it is.

And then I Paused....and remembered. Now I know whats wrong with laughing......

1 comment:

peter said...

Do u feel bad nw dat it has become a habit....?